Mostly, girls get into a long term relationship with the intention to proceed to marriage. They boy also, in some cases, may have similar intentions. In the case where the boy has the same intentions as the girl, the problem is 1: it always seems like he is never going to pop the big question.
The question is, why? There are probably a million reasons why men don’t propose, but the world’s number 1 reason is this: guys don’t propose when they have found the one, they propose when they are ready!
This means a guy may find his dream girl, but they might never get married because at the time of finding her (and during the relationship), he was not ready. Similarly, a guy may date a girl who is not his dream girl, but he might end up marrying her, simply because at the time he found her, he happened to be ready.
Now, as a girl, in order to determine the likelihood of your boyfriend proposing, the question you should ask yourself is this: was he ready when he found me? If the answer is no, then just keep your fingers crossed and hope that the two of you don’t break up before he is ready. If he was ready when he found you but still does not propose, then his reason is probably one of the others in the million.
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